matt1993 Jan 08, 2011 18:02
usernames, ellaina02, new year's resolutions, 15, essays, homework, 5, english, 44, livejournal, physics, reading, pathvain_aelien, procrastination, cleaning, government, negative numbers, school, friends, speech, 68, typos, windows, 313, economics, creativity, calculations, videos, time speeding up, remixes, super mario bros., youtube, drunkenness, books, 2012, saturday, 4791, 2016, 10, the notebook, january, 45, names, failing, stephen, 1, exams, 49, fantasy, february, 2, apocalypse, mario, 1993, 2014, time reversing, new year's, stupidity, writing
matt1993 Dec 24, 2010 18:12
october, 2011, 15, christmas, christmas eve, 2010, english, dreams, 2016, the notebook, class, january, february, december, september, apocalypse, april, november, 2015, time reversing, algebra, math, time speeding up